True enough. Notice how if someone has nothing better to talk about, they'll revert to talking about the weather? Yup.
So. Ever since the rain and warmer temperatures have taken most of the snow on our property, effectively turning the back yard into a swimming pool, I take it as a personal affront when more seasonal weather occurs. Like this wet snow and hideous winds. Brrrr Just listening to the wind makes me cold. Forcing myself out of the house is a major event, like this morning when I had to meet our 4-H general leader to pick up our family's share of chocolate bars to flog to the unsuspecting neighbours. I tell you, I'd much rather have preferred to stay in the house, bundled up in wool, and read. (Hey, I was some what productive yesterday: the family has clean clothes to wear again, and I baked 4 loaves of bread so no one will starve to death, and I thwarted the monster dust bunny take-over.)
So that's that. I have no pictures today...too lazy. I did finish the body of my sweater last night and even started the lace on the first sleeve.
That's all I have. I'm waiting for the lamb part now. I am so ready for spring....