Pandora guarding yarn for my new Cabled Duffle Coat. It's for the fall KAL over at the March Sweater Madness.

Couple weeks ago we sent the whole weekend with our friends at Lake Torment. We brought the kids' bikes with us so that provided them with extra freedom. They attempted swimming but the lake has already turned cold and they didn't stay in the water for any length of time. It was wonderfully relaxing, not having to rush home to feed animals or milk the cow. This was the first time that I experienced the up-side of not being tied to the farm. Not that I still don't miss it.
Saturday morning greeted me with an empty bird feeder. Again. That darned squirrel. Not a single seed left! Sneaky but beautiful thief! Hubby was very surprised to hear that we have grey squirrels here.
Yesterday my guys stacked kindling and split more wood.
Today hubby is starting to pick apples 7 day/week until the season is over. I may bake an apple crisp in his honour. Also, this evening is 4-H registration night. Brianna is taking on Outdoorsman again, as well as Foods, and Cake Decorating. Colin is also going into Outdoorsman, and going to try Sewing this year. That was the deal if he wanted free reign over my sewing machine. We spent some time on it about a month ago and he's hooked.
Thats so cool! How does it work with 4H if the kids have never been before..Mine missed out because of our move so they have no prior experience with it but i am interested in them going next year.
Are you going to Pro-Show next month? If you are, we'll have to meet! send me an email at boobearns at ss.eastlink.ca and we can make plans :)
Beautiful lake picture!
Love the yarn/kitty picture. What is the Tortie's name?
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