Thursday, May 20, 2010

UP Date

It's been demanded of me, in no uncertain terms. An up date. Two words. Not one. Thanks, AliP for that kick in the seat. (Note that she's not Miss Keep-My-Blog-Updated-On-A-Regular-Basis either. HUH)


I've been knitting socks. Lots and lots of socks. Between annihilating dandelions in my lawn and in the garden at NSCC, that's kept me busy and tired, it's provided me with a great sense of accomplishment. Oh, and a ginormous blister on the palm of my right hand which has provided the dandelions with a short reprieve. There have also been 4-H meetings, a whirlwind visit from Mathew (my step-son and provider of most resent grandchild-8 months old in 8 days!) Did I mention the sock knitting? And even some crocheting to de-stress. Nothing like single crochet to blow off steam: and only a single stitch to worry about if things go wrong.

I am proud to say that I have not violated my yarn diet as of this writing. (huge grin) Although when AliP informed me that Tangled Skein is selling off stock and closing its doors, I just about cried. The injustice! She may have mentioned something about my yarn acquisition issues... I tried to ignore her but hundreds of skeins and balls and hanks of yarn don't lie. Shame.

Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal have been visiting several times a day, making my little heart ever-so glad, but for now I've given up stalking them with the camera. Last Friday at the Middleton Farmers Market I purchased some ever bearing strawberry plants and promptly took them home to create a new bed for them. I look forward to months of yummy. Tomorrow is Friday Nite Knit Night at the Middleton Library so you can find me there after 6:30pm. I've started thinking what to do for the World Wide Knit in Public Day (second weekend in June). Considering the success of my little knitting club, I feel obliged to organize something memorable.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Busy Bee

That would be me. I have a hard time believing that I've actually gone a couple days without turning on the computer! Appointments, meetings, harassing the school, exercise.... Bleh...
I miss the good ol' days where I could sleep half the day and spend the second half either reading or knitting. Darn good weather. I haven't even had time to spy on the birds as much.

Happy news: my backyard has acquired three more apple trees. That makes me very happy! I'm still plotting the death of a certain willow tree that causes me more work and grief than I'm willing to deal with. Unfortunately its huge size is problematic in the removal plot. Now if I had unlimited funds....No problem.

There has been some minor knitting going on. The Olympic sweater languishes on, as socks have taken over my knitting. One pair each for me, hubby and first born already finished. Another pair for hubby and son with half foot on each remaining.

Spring clean-up has come and gone and with it our old hide-a-bed from the family room. Good riddance. Not to the dump, though, believe it or not! An older couple was cruising by within a half hour of our wrestling it to the curb and zap! Another half hour and it was gone! So now the gigantic living room couch is in the family room and the living room looks kind of naked, but I'm good with that. It's nice to sit on something that won't cripple you after watching a movie.

Big news: I am working on creating a community garden in my town. Lots of work, lots of interest from the public in terms of it being a great idea, hardly anyone willing to put some muscle where their mouth is and get their hands dirty. Which is one of the reasons I've been so busy.

That's it for now. Must go put my ankle up...sprained it last night playing soccer in the back yard with youngest offspring, and after a long day, it's swelling like a poisoned puppy.