Sunday, June 10, 2007

On the Knitting Front

The knitting has really slowed down here. Maybe it's the weather. Maybe I don't like knitting any more (HA HA HA HA As if!). I *heart* knitting. That's not the problem. I have been busy. Yeah, that's a good excuse!
The animals need more care this time of year. It's not about turning them out on pasture and being done with it. I've started to slowly ween the calf off the cow, simply because the cow is losing too much condition to meet the calf's growing demand. So I've been having the cow free-range. Yup. I tried putting them in separate pastures, but no one got a wink of sleep for two days. Not so good. Tired farmer makes for a VERY cranky farmer. Bonus of the free-ranging cow is that she does a really nice job of mowing off the grass around the garden so I don't have to. Quite convenient. The sheep on the other hand have to be watched with a hawk eye to make sure they don't wander off as they seemed to have acquired a taste to do so. They used to be so well behaved.... Now I let them out of the barn for however long I have time for and then back they go. Baaad, baaaad sheepies.
So the knitting. The mitts and matching hat in progress are for a neighbour. She had the brown wool spun up at the Rumour Mill (local) and I'm slowly turning it all into winter wear. You will remember the trigger gloves I made for her hubby, and a hat. This yarn is quite heavy and I am using a fairly small needle to keep things warm, and wind proof.
Today I am driving to the city with my woman/child to see a performance of Beauty and the Beast at the Neptune Theatre, part of her teacher's "special treat". She's been dressed and ready to go since the crack of dawn. I'm still in my housecoat. Perhaps it's time to get ready. The meet up at the school is in an hour and a half. Lots of time....

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