Saturday, June 16, 2007


Do you like my lovely new mug? So cute it almost makes me want to gag on my less sunshiny days. Sheep on a mug are the only kind that I will be seeing in a relatively near future.

My dumb-ass sheep took off for the road again yesterday. A couple CARS finally cornered them down by the community centre, where they thought on what was good for them, and let themselves be herded home by one of the car drivers and were met half way down the road by my hubby, who, using major self-restraint, escorted them into the barn, LOCKED them up and threw away the key (figure of speech, that last bit). Any hoo, the only reason that they are not hanging in my favourite butcher's cooler right this very moment is that he turns it off for the summer. It's going to be difficult replacing eye candy of that high a quality!! Heh Heh

Didn't tell you what my hubby said, eh? If I get rid of all the sheep (lambs included) I can buy ALL THE WOOL I WANT!!!!!

For some whom I haven't told yet, this dream acreage that I live on will be going up for sale Very Very soon. The real estate agent is stopping in on Monday to assess the property and land. Yup, we're moving on to (greener?) pastures with a river view! I don't want to jinx it by telling you where we're heading. Once this place is sold, I will definitely tell all about it. In the mean time, you'll be hearing about the trials and tribulations of selling a property with kids out of school messing up every spot I clean.

Oh, let the fun begin.

1 comment:

Knitterary said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm so glad you did, because now I've found yours. Good luck with the new home!