Look what I received in the mail yesterday:

Check who tried to swipe it while I was making the pizza for supper! Quite the nerve she's got!
Now I have to offer some major apologies for not blogging sooner about the first PIF I received from no-blog Rachel. I did send out a thank you card, but for some unknown reason it came back to me, and then I just kept forgetting to take a picture of the bag she sent me, because, get this, I have been using it from the moment I opened the package. Literally. I opened it while walking home from the post office and loved it instantly. The colours are great and I couldn't help myself from slinging it over my shoulder and putting the wrapping in the bag. I still use it every day, and that's the ultimate compliment of a loved item. Don't you wish you had one of your own?
Let's see, on the knitting front, yesterday I started on some 1X1 ribbed socks. One is already done and so is the leg of the second. Technically I intended them to be gifted to someone at Christmas but I am liking them very much and seeing how they just happened to be my size, I might keep them for myself. The Cable sock is coming along nicely. I am half way down the foot. The thrum mitts only need thumbs (still). I've also started knitting another wool blanket out of Briggs&Little Atlantic. I'm making it up as I go along: knitting individual strips however long each skein allows, 21 stitches wide, on 8mm needles so it will hopefully turn out to be squishing and cozy. All in the name of reducing the stash. Oh yes, and the PIF for Dorothy is still awaiting assembly. Maybe today!
I had forgotten about the PIF for me... now you got me all curious again :)
Nice scarf and bag!!
I love PIF! and RAK's too :)
I'm thinking my next pair of socks might have to be cabled.
Great goodies!
Your Clap' is lovely. Bag too!!!
You go girl on the destashing/ shopping the stash. My hands are sore because I started my Dad's thrummed mittens. I think they will fit...maybe a tad big (YOU WERE RIIIIGGGHHHT!). I almost broke my "no yarn shopping" rule by ordering from Robin's Nest. I pulled back just in time. She IS, however, ordering me a locker hook needle for a type of rug hooking I want to try again. I will buy my yarn for that from her as well (B and L).
"quite the nerve," but it matches her outfit, Mom! ;-)
I'm so glad you like it. It was difficult choosing colors for someone I haven't met. I actually based it on colors of flowers you had taken photos of! It was a fun knit. Enjoy!
Oh yay! I'm so glad you like (and use!) the bag. :)
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