If you have a moment, check out today's Baby Blues cartoon at the very bottom of this blog. Good grief.
I seem to have been infected with start-itis. Let me show you. And let me point out these are only the sweaters, and just the ones I cast on in the past week. From left to right, the variegated one is for my first born, a Christmas present, two days' worth of knitting (three, if you count the false start where I cast on approximately 45 extra stitches and happily knit on for four and a half inches before stopping to consider that it might be a bit large! When I took the circular out to rip, it revealed that I was completely delusional. At that amount of stitches it would have been too big for someone normally wearing XL.) I am at the armpit part, and started the first sleeve while watching Grey's Anatomy last night. Next is the Drops sweater, cast on last Sunday (if memory serves me right). So far so good, but my dear friend AliP pointed out that I might want to be working on the Christmas presents so I don't have a melt-down a couple days before gift giving time. Yeah, there is that. Did I tell you that I had signed up for that Knit a Sweater in the Month of November thing? AliP thought that was a little bizarre. Something about skewed priorities or something. She is a good conscience, except where was she when I cast on Grumperina's Picovoli top for myself? Hey, I can say it's a Christmas present for me. HEHEH I'm knitting it out of Debbie Bliss Merino, which is divinely squishy. For your info, the pattern is free over at Knotions. I am planning on knitting it with long sleeves. Maybe, possibly with a bit of beads for a bit of bling. Every girl needs a bit of bling in her life now and again.

Okay, then. Who else is knitting Christmas gifts? How are you all managing? Are you knitting for everyone on your list or just the select few? This inquiring mind wants to know.
I made felted slippers for MIL and step FIL. I started an afghan for my mother, but I'm having doubts that it will be done for Christmas, maybe Mother's Day. I also have socks to knit for Dad. I'd like to make one-year-old nephew a sweater, too. We'll see how much time I have.
Let's see: mitts to finish for Katie's friend, sweater to finish for my mom, dishclothes for MIL, hopefully socks for hubby, possibly some mitt envy mitts for one niece. Not sure if I'll end up adding more to that list or not :)
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