Drip Dry by Conni Togel
Have you ever seen the art of Conni Togel of the Sheep Incognito fame? Brilliant I tell you! I would have loved to have been at Rhinebeck just for a chance to meet her.
Love, love, love!
Also, I can tell you right now that I don't want to knit this sweater flat. But looking at it, I can honestly say that it is a much nicer choice than mine. It's got good stash busting potential, it will make my husband look hunky, I can finally brand him with a large hand-knit (!), and best of all it will provide me with some knitting direction so I can stop knitting those Kitty Pi beds. The second one is felting even as I type this.
I guess I'll be stash diving again this afternoon. What are you up to?