If you recall, I mentioned in the last post about my man hinting about the lack of a knitted sweater for his person. Today I decided troll the Drops site for a pattern that might be acceptable. I printed off three patterns (85-2, 85-23, 85-6). Having already more or less settled on 85-2 to be knit out of Briggs & Little Heritage Anniversary Twist, I made the mistake of showing the patterns to my husband and asking him which he liked the best. Big mistake. He picked 85-6, which requires two yarns to get gauge, something I didn't notice when I originally found the pattern. 

Also, I can tell you right now that I don't want to knit this sweater flat. But looking at it, I can honestly say that it is a much nicer choice than mine. It's got good stash busting potential, it will make my husband look hunky, I can finally brand him with a large hand-knit (!), and best of all it will provide me with some knitting direction so I can stop knitting those Kitty Pi beds. The second one is felting even as I type this.
I guess I'll be stash diving again this afternoon. What are you up to?
1 comment:
I am knitting a second pair of Lopi slippers based on your model but different than (no turned down cuff and no decreasing) and sewing no slip patches to the soles (Duck brand shelf liner from Walmart!! Big roll for 8$!! Tip from the slipper boards on Ravelry).
That and avoiding my growing pile of clean laundry.
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